Yogurt-Berry Ice Lollies


- 50g Organic Fields Just Berries Powder

- 1tsp vanilla extract

- 600g greek yogurt

- 3tbsp agave syrup



1. Put the greek yogurt, agave syrup and vanilla extract in a bowl and stir until they come together.

2. Take about 200g of the mixture and add the Organic Fields Just Berries powder. Mix until fully incorporated, making sure there are no lumps.

3. Add the berry mixture back into the bowl and swirl it.

4. Divide mixture into the ice-lolly moulds and freeze overnight. This recipe makes about 6 ice lollies.

Note: When you're ready to serve the ice-lollies and they don't come out straight away, quickly dip half the mould into very hot water and try again.

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